Thursday, October 16, 2008


In Bangkok we had lunch at a restaurant on nearby Convent Rd called Bua. Best food I've had this trip. Really good red curry with coconut milk. And Morning Glories. Kind of a fried green. Then up at the hotel in Mae Sot there was a little gift shop, also called Bua. hmmm, maybe it means shop?

So as I was checking out of the hotel (Centara, slightly resorty, slightly run down) I asked the guy at the desk what Bua meant. His English was ok. He couldn't say and asked the other guy. He couldn't say and asked the woman running the shop. It's a huge lobby and was very busy earlier that morning. But quiet when I was checking out. Except for the ever present muzak. She also can't say it. They all chat a bit and call the doorman over. They say he will show me. So we go outside and over to the garden. He manages the word "flower"! And we walk over to a pot with big buds. I think it was something like a lotus. Ohhh. So I thank everyone (Cob Koon Ka) and head out. I guess I could have looked in my phrasebook but this was a much better lesson.

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